
Cats are perfection
They don’t need much
They don’t need to be walked
They don’t need toys, they will make their own
Cats are a soft love that needs no fuel
They are happy with soft blankets and cuddling
They make their approval know
And they disapproval apparent
Cats can be cold
They will destroy your things
They are independent
But when a cat loves you their love is pure


Sticky jack-o-lantern teeth
protrude from the bloody carcass
Born from a seed and a hope
It bloomed brilliantly, bloated and bulging
from the vine until
snapping crisply to be sliced acutely
A dissection
Discretely split and spread
Sweet ruby juice dripped from our chins
onto our shirts, red stains
A rookie murder


This is my sister
she’s something else
can’t explain why she is
i can feel it

Have that bond
with a person you never thought
they will be your sister,
our bond is like a lock that can’t be unlocked

I can’t go to anyone else
she can’t
we never go to another person

That’s my sister
always sisters
for life
forever my sister…..

Ann Richards School for Young Women Leaders



It’s always late at night
we talk for hours
doing homework

Don’t know why we stopped
but in person it’s better
she’s one of the only people i love to talk to

she’s going to be one of my best friends forever
We understand each other
We help each other

like sisters
but we will always be

Ann Richards School for Young Women Leaders



It felt like we were alone
spending hours talking
like we were the only people alive
like the whole world died

I never knew what to say
it’s always hard to talk
because i was so focused on her
her only…..

The only thing i’m always about
the only person i could talk to every second
every minute
every hour

I wish she could be the only person to talk to
i wouldn’t want to be anywhere else
only talking to her
her only…..

I don’t know why i had nothing to say
but i just smile and smile
i’m so focused on her
her only…..

She can be 1 in a million people in the world
and i will always want to talk to her
her only…..

Ann Richards School for Young Women Leaders


Vision+Voice Poetry Reading at Malvern Books Dec. 4

Vision+Voice is fortunate to have some great support from the Austin community, and one of our favorite community partners is Malvern Books. Not only do they display the most recent set of V+V posters in their store for the entire month of December, but they also host the annual Vision+Voice Poetry Reading every December. It’s a wonderful cozy setting for a poetry reading, and an excellent opportunity for students to read their poems in front of a very supportive live audience.

We’ll have posters and anthologies available if you need extra copies for the holidays.

Please mark your calendars, invite your friends and family, and come join the party at Malvern Books!

Sunday, December 4th 
Malvern Books: 613 W. 29th Street


For more info: / 512.375.6710