I love animals.

I love animals.
They are on my mind day and night.
The Irwin’s always put up a fight,
to save the animals yes, they do.
I love koalas dearly too.
The Irwin’s help koalas and all creatures.
The Irwin’s are dear to me to,
They own the Australian Zoo.
The Irwin’s are wild life warriors
helping animals live and thrive.
One day I will be too.
I will work at the Australian Zoo.


Out of the darkness, I rise.
I am hope.
Out of the evil, I rise.
I am hope.
Singing my song, sweet as nectar to the ear, I fly to you on silent wings
with streaks of white and gold.
I glimmer like the northern lights on a cloudless night.
I touch your heart and give you peace.
For even in times of despair,
I am hope.


Time flows
from past to present to future

Sometimes slow, like a lake
Sometimes fast, like a bubbling creek

Sometimes loud, like the ocean
Sometimes quiet, like a river

Time goes on
and I am still a poet

Two worlds

Within me,
There are two worlds
To be understood,

Out of all the states,
There is one world to be chosen,
And I have two,

The power to choose
Comes with the power of capability,
But sometimes,
Choice is impossible,

The world of imagination,
The one we are fortunate to have,
We can do anything in that world,

The real world is fixed
To a limited extent,
But give us access
To other worlds,
Mine is imagination,

But how are we to have just one
If that one permits access
To others?

That’s why I have two.


My brain engaging with the concepts
Floating through my mind,

My brain is full taking in
What there is to understand,

My desirous condition
Of what most take as punishment,

Happiness is when equations talk to me like,
“Simplify me” and I happily do so,

Different states of levels
Wondering if there is more to understand,


Ocean fun

Waves fall and rise
On a perfect beach day.
I run out into
The huge, wide sea.

I’ve gone a great
Distance from the beach,
I see a huge wave
And as it falls
Over me,
I jump.
I do this some more,
Then I gaze back at
The peaceful beach.

An unexpected wave
Lurches and hits me
So hard I go back
Towards a nice beach.

I run a few feet back
And sit.
A wave crumbles
Down on me,
And I go under the
Salty saltwater.

I decide it’s time
To go back to the shore
And on the way,
I fall down because
Of a giant


I keep my
Cool in
The box,
Waiting for
The ball to come,
I wait and
A rippling,
Magnificent strike
Comes, yet to make
The net dangling
And me beaten.
I have the urge to dive,
And I do so.
My fingertips
Barely touch
The slightest bit,
And then I see the ball head
Toward the crossbar in
An angle to surely go to the
Side of the net.
I dive again this time back, producing a magnificent SAVE!


White sand between your toes
Waves crash against the shore
The cool salty wind blows
You can’t resist anymore

You take a sip of lemonade
The sweet flavor on your tongue
The tide comes in and you get sprayed
Lemonade is a hero unsung

You feel something dripping down your neck
But really you don’t care
You probably look like a wreck
You have lemonade in your hair

You hear a plop on the sand
And you see a spot that’s wet
A seagull comes and lands
And you watch the sunset.


Society is cruel, it doesn’t care.
Everybody has to look a certain way.
And if you don’t look a certain way,
you are a disgrace to society.

When your thin they say you are anorexic,
when you are plump they say you eat to much,
when you don’t have the perfect body with curves
you need plastic surgery and when you do have the body,
you have had plastic surgery to make it look like that.

We blame society for everything,
but guess what we make up society.
Girls are always insecure about everything, no wonder
we have to fit the standards of society and if not we are ugly.

When people ask why we are insecure,
just now your answer should always because
of the corrupt society.