There’s a mountain in the middle of the road

There’s a mountain in the middle of the road
That needs to go
But we can’t put it into our truck load
It can’t go away just by the big bad wolf’s blow
Everywhere’s covered in snow
So we can’t just camp out here
We can’t play the “help” song on the banjo
Oh, I wish it would just disappear
Is it a mountain or is it a rock
I don’t know
But it’s definitely bigger than my sock!
Whether at night it glows
Or not,
Please help us! We’re stuck!

i had an epiphany

Sometimes i think you are my hiraeth
My true home i can’t ever quite reach
I would say its a delusion but
I know what’s real

Whenever i’m near you its bittersweet
Like a book ending with a cliffhanger
Like one big ‘to be continued..’
Time feels ephemeral and like its running out
But you’re the only thing i want to chase

You remind me of lilacs and gardenias
The smell of wildflowers and hope
Old poetry and cool autumn evenings
You remind me of love

Somehow i think you’re celestial
Born from a celebration of the universe
An ethereal woman who thrives from sunsets
A force greater than Mother Nature
Someone who has captured my heart

The other day i had an epiphany
I know that you’re my only soulmate
But what breaks my heart
Is i know i’m not yours

Exploding Whale

There’s a letter I hope you’ll write me,
A letter that will never come.
A secret just for me.

I love your wit,
The way you always make me laugh
I love your empathy,
The way you weep, feeling their pain
I love your passion,
The way you care so deeply and wholly

Green doe eyes, loose silken curls
Long and Curved and Smooth
My very own fallen angel

Crane Flower,
You write.
You envision.

I want to share
Your bed, Your armoire, Your life
I want to share
Everything, if it’s with you

I love you!
I love you?
I love you.

Those words you choose,
Friendly, Loving, Oblique
You’re an enigma.

Thrice I almost spoke
But I keep my feelings to myself
I keep you in my head
Idyllic, Ethereal, Fabrication
Your bracelet, a talisman
A painful reminder.
My dreams of illicit affairs
Yearning for an epiphany

If god is benevolent
Why is my mailbox empty?

My chest feels hollow
As hollow as my mailbox
As hollow as your ‘I love you’s
The things you say with reckless abandon
There’s no denouement for me.

Yet I still check the mail every day,
Rifling through spam mail,
And supermarket sales,
Hoping to see a small green envelope,
With a California return address.

untitled 1

Born under twin stars
To a ready made family ready for another
But not quite finished
Scared whimpers foreshadowing the pain I would have to endure
Running toward frigid water in mid November, shoes and corduroy overalls and all, held back by my mother
Colorado and a big chair, french braids and my idol
Barbecue and Christmas trees
The morning, I always knew I was less

Cars racing, Chicago
Trains rushing, Los Angeles
Abundance, Washington D.C.
Scared of needles, until I couldn’t be anymore
Bottles with too many pills
Once, then again and again
Fire kisses my face
And I can’t breathe
A hand pressed against my throat
Or maybe there isn’t and it isn’t and there’s nothing and it’s nothing and I’m nothing

Learning to protect myself, facetious
Learning to love,
Learning to let go.