small personality big world

chocolate and vanilla,
he was eating it for 24/7 everyday
coming home everyday with a Smile on his face
he had 15 new friends everyday
his family had the best house in the town
they had loads and loads of money for days
he was the popular kid at school everyone liked him
nothing could bring his Smile down,
he would laugh for hours with all his friends on video games
he was happier than a dog getting their food
ring! ring!
he woke up

Rain drops

Turn fast into
Light, misty drizzles
To loud heavy downpours
Gloomy, mysterious, clouds form
Thunder dances with lightning non-stop
Elevated up in the shadowy, dark, bleak sky
Deafening rain falls like heaven’s gentle tears
Each loud boom of mighty thunder sends even
The bravest of men scurrying back to his mommy
CRACK! The lightning strikes, thunder rumbles
The wind swirls, like a balloon released of air
The rain plays the sidewalks of the city
like a musical instrument, each
drop ringing like bells


Everyone has a different home,
But everyone’s definition of it, is the same,
Home is where you can relax like a lazy cat,
Home is where you can gobble down your whole entire pantry,
Home is where you can be as crazy as a wild animal,
Home is where you feel loved by your loved ones,
Home is where your favorite blanket wraps itself around you, as tight as it can.
Home is where your dog growls at people through the window to protect you,
Finally, home is where you can be yourself and love yourself,
There are so many little thing wouldn’t make your home feel like home,

Online learning

Get off the computer!
My mom usually tells me,
But with online learning,
She can’t even yell at me.
Online learning is torture
We have to look at a screen all day
And boy is that a mind scorcher.
When all I want to do is hit the hay,
Because staring at a screen is just not it.
The guillotine of stress lowers,
As I fall into the seemingly endless pit
They tell me to get through it, but all I can muster is one lousy glower

Life is like a tree

Life is like a Tree.
Everything starts as a seed.
Plain and simple.

Once you grow up, things get harder.
You grow more branches,
And everything becomes more challenging.
Sometimes things just crawl all over you,
But that is just the way life is.

You just need to be rained on sometimes.
And things will get better.

Life is like a tree.
Don’t you see?

The Hidden Beach

As the waves walk up and down the shore,
the wind softly pushes past.
Seashells scattered the sand
like sprinkles on a cupcake.
The fish leaped out of the water,
as elegant as a veela.
The reef shown barely through the water
glistening in the sun’s open arms.
The agile fall leaves dived for the ground,
gently landing like a ballerina.
The pebbles moved so slightly
In the winds gentle touch.
All was well on the hidden beach
Of nature and such.

The god’s fit

The rain pours down like,
tears from the heavens. Then the lightning
comes like they are taking out their anger on the world.
Shortly after the lightning, comes the thunder that goes BOOM,
like they are screaming at their loss. Now what did they lose? We will
probably never know, but shortly after, the sun comes out
and shines upon the world. And when it shines, it
creates a rainbow. Because in order for
something to feel good, you must
know what it feels like, to feel
something bad.

Winter winds

I walk down the street
My sweater terminating my chills

A cold gust blows by
Just like a tornado, leaves blow toward me

Along with a plastic bag
Yesterdays wall street journal
An empty pack of gum

The relentless tornado of wind chills to the bone

The wind comes toward me
But I walk on

Life is like a Mountain

Life is like a mountain range,
Stretching far, and wide.
With many hills in between,
And maybe a little river, on the side.

You will climb, to the top.
Only to realize, it’s just the start.
But nothing, stands in your way,
Nothing can break you apart.

You’ll scale the many surfaces,
And dodge the big boulder.
The more you ascend,
The more it gets colder.

Life is like a mountain range,
Being mighty and divine,
It ends at one point,
Where there is light and sunshine.