edge of the world

at the edge of the world, i sit,
my voice was restrained,
and riddled with pain.

flashing back was a trife,
pressing slowly, suffocatingly.

at the edge of the world, i sit,
waiting slowly,
for nothing to come.

with my ending come near,
the flowers wilted in pain,
it echoes my agony.

at the edge of the world, i sit,
digging my nails into the ground,
scarring the earth with a scorching pain.

i carefully peer into the open world,
where ruins of skyscrapers,
and shattered skylines lay low.

at the edge of the world, i finally stand,
and with that ending note, i fell,

your embrace was long gone,
now replaced with the void’s,
but i felt warmer than i ever did.

Enchanted Forest

Enter its depths, but there’s always more to breach.
Never enough, never-ending, every sound and sight-
Ceasing to know if there’s a way out, but why would you want it?
Heaven is nothing if it’s not amongst a place like this,
Acres of flora taken swiftly from dreams,
Not a single patch of grass rooted in reality.
This is nothing like reality,
Endowed upon you-
Don’t blink, lest it disappears.

For when the breeze swirls through the mist,
Omnipotent in it’s thick haze,
Realizing a way free is impossible.
Even further it invites you,
So do not resist!
The trees can stay for eternity in your mind.

Red tears on a summer evening

Red tears on a summer evening
fall without a place to land
fluttering as though they might sprout wings
sprout something loveable and beautiful
but the dry air is not kind to the water of life.

Red tears on a summer evening
should really happen in the night
when there is no witness to watch you cry
other than the distant moon that aches for you too.
The sun cannot ache for you
discomforted as it drips beneath the horizon
wishing it would be over already.

Red tears on a summer evening
are not synonymous with blood
but you wish they were
so your turmoil could show itself
as something other people understand.
There are many questions about a gash on your cheek
and scars on your skin
but they are quiet for splinters in your heart
and cracks in your love.

Red tears on a summer evening
dry up too quickly
but leave your eyes puffy and worn
even when you rush to the bathroom to wash your face.
You cannot rinse grief from the mind
only freeze it in harsh chills
and let it slowly melt
dripping throughout the next day.

Red tears on a summer evening
do not want to leave you
nobody wants to leave you
but they do anyway.

The City of The Raven

A single raven flew through the inky-black night sky
Swaying around the dimly glowing streetlights
Flying nowhere
Gliding around
Darting down
Reaching up
In the chilly air

Rapidly he slows down and perches atop a pole
Looking down at the city, full of fluorescent, colored lights fills his eyes
Buildings blur together making a rainbow of light
Not an odd rainbow, one very common, yet still as magnificent as could be

The raven sits comfortably, not a sound coming from him
This site always changes the way he views the new world, a different kind of beauty.
Every day he is presented with the gift of this seat being able to see the world
With a whole new vision.