KLRU Taping

Hello, Vision+Voice Poets, Parents, and Teachers!

Congratulations to all the poets for having your work selected for recognition in the 2017 Vision+Voice Poetry Contest! This year, over 400 poems were submitted to the contest from students all over Austin, so you should be proud of this accomplishment. I am so excited to see all of these amazing poems published in the 2017 Vision+Voice Anthology, and to see the winning poems transformed into posters.

One of the special things we do for Vision+Voice poets is to arrange a taping of each poet reading their poem at the historic KLRU Studio 6 – a.k.a. the birthplace of Austin City Limits. This year, we are inviting ALL winning and honorable mention poets to come in and tape their poems.
Here’s a link to previous tapings so you can see how cool this is.

The taping is scheduled for Monday, March 27.
PLEASE contact me to schedule a time to come in to do the taping.
(The taping is really easy and takes no more than 15 minutes)
Thanks – I look forward to meeting you!
Polly Monear, Vision+Voice Coordinator
512-223-3352 / pmonear@austincc.edu