Where I Come From

I am from crayons and toys and
from books and art
I am from the house of dancing and music
I am from the small and colorful house
I am from the bluebonnets and big trees and the cul-de-sac
I am from the neighborhood full of friends
I’m from the pumpkin patch and Thanksgiving dinner
I come from opening presents on Christmas Eve
I am from Renee and
Mike and Michelle and grandmother Carrie Stewart
I’m from neighborhood of trails and parks and
the big neighborhood pool
I come from “You are my sunshine” and
And “I love you”
I’m from Austin, Texas and Georgia
I’m Scottish and Irish
I am from chili soup and pancakes and
chicken noodle soup
I’m from loving parents
I am from pictures on the wall and in the bedroom
I am from the singing, dancing, pugs, soccer, and colorful art family!
