Submit a poem today!

Submissions are now closed for the 2024-25 contest. The submission deadline was February 16th, 2025. Winners will be announced in March 2025! 

Complete all the items in this form to submit your poem to the V+V website and enter the poetry contest. You may enter more than one poem, but you have to complete one of these submission forms for each one.  
Please note! The deadline for submissions was February 16th, 2025.
Now, let’s be sure you’re not a robot.
  Now, be sure your name and contact information are entered correctly — that’s how we will find you!
Ask your parent or guardian to complete the next section.

Parent or Guardian:

Vision+Voice would like permission for your child to enter the annual Vision+Voice poetry contest. Note that entering the Vision+Voice K12 competition constitutes your approval for the Vision+Voice team to use your student’s poem to promote the Vision+Voice project. Once we receive your permission and contact info below, submitted poems will be published on this site and released to our judges for review. Poems and associated works of art are also used in promotional materials for the Vision+Voice project, including our annual Anthology, advertisements, video and audio clips, images from the award ceremony, etc. To give your permission for your child to be involved in the contest and for your child’s poem to be entered and published, check the boxes below.

Now we’re ready for you to submit your poem! Enter your poem in the text box below. Typing in your poem to submit it. If we have questions about your poem, we’ll email you and your parents.

Show/hide terms
You agree (1) that you aren't doing evil things to our website, (2) that the poem you are submitting is your own work, and (3) that your poem will not be published or sent to our judges unless we have your parent/guardian contact information and the parent/guardian permission box in the form above is checked.

You’re done! Look back one last time to be sure everything you entered is correct. When you’re ready to submit your poem, click the Submit button below.