V+V POETS: KLRU Wants to Tape YOUR Poem!

You are a superstar – come tape your poem!

We are very fortunate that KLRU (our local PBS station) has been a supporter of Vision+Voice since we started in 2013. They generously offer up their talent, time, and facilities to tape the winning and honorable mention poets reading their poems. The videos will be premiered at the Vision+Voice Award Reception on April 13th, and are then posted online at KLRU and here on the Vision+Voice website. This year, our judges have selected 50 winning and honorable mention poems, and we want to tape ALL of them.

The taping is scheduled for March 26 & 27, from 11am1pm & 2pm6pm each day. 
Each poem takes between 5 -15 minutes to tape, and I will do my best to arrange the schedule to meet your request.

Poets: you do not need to memorize your poems! I will have the poems printed for you.

This is a great way to showcase the excellent work of this year’s poets, and I hope you will all take advantage of this generous offer from KLRU.
Here are the 2017 videos so you can see how cool this is!


The time-slots are filling up quickly, please contact me to schedule your taping: pmonear@austincc.edu.


See you soon!

Polly Monear, Vision+Voice Team
Austin Community College