Welcome back!

Welcome to a new year of Vision+Voice!

The 2018-19 competition is just starting, so get those creative juices flowing and make a poem!

You may have noticed that we’ve moved. Our new home is


Why did we move, you ask? Well, we’re growing, both in the number of schools that are included in the Vision+Voice family, but also in the types of projects we’re creating. We’ll let you know more about some of our new ideas as they develop.

Meanwhile, this is the home of our famous K through 12 poetry competition. Selected poems from each grade level will be paired with art by ACC art students to create posters and an anthology. And as in years past, KLRU will be videotaping our poets, and we’ll be celebrating our young authors at the spring reception. (Date is coming soon!)

So, sit back, relax, create, submit, and read some poems!

Thanks to our partners and supporters! We couldn’t do it without you!