History Books

Why do you tear the pages
of my history books?
Cherry picking
But they taste sour
They’ve been left on the tree
Too long

Why do you cut and paste
a picture you
want me to see?
Something’s off
The edges don’t line up

Why do you tear the pages
of my history books?
The past is a self-portrait
but you can’t paint it
and it’s too late
to white it out

The holes you’ve made
with your pencil pressure
They’re tearing
Like a careless child eager to cover up its mistakes
What have you done?
I can hardly read anymore

You can try to hide
the things
you don’t want us
to see

But if history repeats itself
you’ve scratched
the record
and no one can agree
on how the song goes

I’d like to dance to it again
I want to cheer and sing along
You want me to

But I also want to cry
at the sad parts
at the mistakes
I want to remember the past
so more of the tears are
and loving

Ann Richards School for Young Women Leaders