I came upon a golden retriever.
She was so cute, I decided to keep her.
She was funny;
always in a good mood.
She never was mean
or with poor attitude.
But then one day
her mind flew away
And all in a flash
She was gone in a dash.
She flew down the stairs
and straight out the door.
Still in the foggy forest
I heard the barks, then a roar!
I tracked her down
and finally caught her.
I knew what I had to do,
I taught her.
I taught her to sit.
I taught her to stay.
So never in eternity
Will she run away.
It’s the end of the year.
It’s Christmas Eve
So I give my dog
a gift to receive.
I see how much
she likes her doghouse home.
She likes the sweet taste
Of her state-of-the-art bone.
I will cherish my dog
Every single day.
I hope that life
will stay this way.
Fern Bluff Elementary