Not Quite Real

Hey, there my buddy, friend, pal, friend, chum, pal, dawg, amigo, homeslice, bread slice, Dragonslayer, MLG player, my diddly darn dappy dawg.

I don’t mean to rudely crudely cut across you with this prewritten TED talk but I fail to find any other way to burn across this steaming hot message that you surely must see.

You see I must tell ya that I find that I feel
burning cold, freezing raw and dipped into the super ICE BUCKET CHALLENGE

when sitting next to a fire,

and I can’t stop it. This is mostly because I wanted to be a popular cool person I wanted to be coolio and stylish, fast-talking like the charismatic Youtubers!

My friend said talking to me is more tiring than drinking pure uncut Kool-Aid powdered bricks. People find that they would much rather fall Into bed than keep on “Talking” to me any longer.

Every talk feels more shallow than the last

My act continues to engulf me through each talk I give.

My positivity burns into them as an iron

and so they run.

James Bowie High School