Cactus Poem

Cacti Love Winter
It’s their break from posing all the time
Posing for pictures
For postcards
And even the occasional western movie set
It hard to stand still that long
I mean you try standing still in a weird pose for over eight HOURS
While Plants grow on you
And lizardsssss crawl up you
It’s the worst

But during winter, Cacti have all the fun
They kick up their non-existent feet
And they watch tumbleweeds blow by
And play their trumpets
As clouds FLY by
They say goodbye to sorrows
And dance like trees on windy day

Cacti take long naps
They talk about their friends who live in pots and greenhouses
And how they have it made for them.
Cacti can crack open imaginary Diet cokes
Cacti can sleep the days away
And cherish every cold breeze
Of their cold break

For Cacti winter is their
Deserved break

Gorzycki Middle School