The First Time

Almost time
For me to meet
My parents.

The more I see
The signs the more
Nervous I get, butterflies
In my stomach
Like I really need a restroom.

A man introduces us
And I look around the house
So many beautiful colors
Blue, yellow, green
Everything was new
Everything I wanted.

The best part: windows
To see the bright blue sky
And the green lemon tree
Outside, the best view.

It smelled like paint,
But in a good way
All this time
They lived in Texas
And I lived in Mexico,
Separated for so long.

The next day
I tried pancakes
For the first time,
So weird and chewy,
But also soft and sticky
With syrup on top.

Everyone wanted to meet me
And my brother
And it was loud
But I knew it was
The right place for me.

Fulmore Middle School