The finish line

you are starting the race
sweat is already dripping down your face
then you are off
and you are trying to show off

you come upon a rough patch
and then you fall
you need to stand up
you can hear people shouting ¨get up ¨ ¨se lever¨

slowly you get up and think
i am in here for the long haul

then you run
kicking up dust as you run

you are back in the race
catching up with everyone else
then ahead of everyone else
tears fill your eyes
you are so so tired
do not know if you can go any more

pushing yourself to run

the finish line is in sight
you are so close
stumbling you cross the line
everything is over
you hear people celebrating whoah whoah ¨bon travail¨

no more late nights
or stressful days
you are done working till your knees drop

a wave of relief
is washed over you

you have reached your GOAL
so get some rest
because soon there will be a new race you need to beat

Gorzycki Middle school