Crashing, arched waves shaking the sea floor with their dance
Trapping you in where you can only hear The Ocean’s music,
The Ocean’s eyes on you like a person across the room,
The Ocean is hungry for her prey from above;
Diving down wondering what lies below, which step to take next
The waters controlling you with they rhythmic beat,
Luring you in to be stuck there forever,
Her movement, a rat tat tat from the bass drum she plays,
Now you can’t escape
Her beauty, forcing us to come down with her; the same steps over
and over
The Ocean’s creatures, her children, come for us, swimming as we sink
Into a pit of despair, no room for air where we survive;
Stop her waltz, gain back control
Quit her dance, end your time with her
All is well on land, free with your feet
The Ocean has new prey to trick
No more bricks on your back while you swim; make your own moves
Only watch The Ocean from afar, safe on solid ground
She will never truly leave you; you will still dance for her
But now you’re on your own
Gorzycki Middle School