Thanks so much to all who attended the Awards Reception on Friday – we packed the house (mall) with poets and their entourages. Great food + great speakers + great videos = happy families. We had a blast and hope you did, too!
I know everyone’s anxious to see the red carpet photos from the event, but they’re not quite ready yet. In the meantime, please enjoy these photos that were taken at KLRU studios on the famous ACL stage.
Super-stars, one and all!
If you took photos at the event and would like to share them, please send them to
Month: April 2019
We are SUPER-EXCITED about our big party tonight to celebrate the poets who participated in the 2019 Vision+Voice Poetry Contest.
SEE the posters!
READ the anthology!
MEET your fellow poets!
WATCH the poetry videos!
GLAM IT UP on the red carpet!
If you know someone who wants to be here tonight but can’t make it, please share this link to the event live stream. Unfortunately, we won’t be able to share the refreshments via technology, so we really hope you can be here in person.
Did I mention that we’re SUPER-EXCITED?!

It’s (almost) time to celebrate!
It’s a big party and we want you to be there!
We’re SO EXCITED to unveil this year’s poetry posters and the Vision+Voice Anthology, and we can’t wait to show you the great videos that KLRU created for us.
Friday, April 26
ACC Highland Campus, Building 4000
6101 Highland Campus Drive Austin, TX 78752
Come ready for red carpet photos, great food, and live music.
No RSVP required – all are welcome!