The Beautiful Branch

There was once a branch, the branch I walk past everyday.
I always notice how tight it holds on to the tree in every way.
But no matter how tight it grasps the tree,
It could jump to the ground any day like a kid scraping his knee.

The branch is beautiful, it looks like a flower on a sunny day.
It has dark smooth brown bark,
and every color leaf you could imagine.
I watch as it slowly dances in the wind.

One stormy day as I pass by the tree,
I stop, because the branch was staring at me.
Watching the branches sway side to side,
Until all of a sudden, BOOM! Lightning cried
And strikes the branch to suddenly drop.

I watch as the leafs slowly fall off and
the branch loses the color over time,
It looks like the sky on a gloomy day.
Now every morning I pass by the tree
I remember the beautiful branch,
and I will never forget the day it fell.