Je T’aime (Ode to Kes)

Young One.
Just know at one point,
Life will seem hard,
Nothing works as it used to,
Nothing is the same.
Just remember,
The world hasn’t stopped spinning and twirling,
The stars have yet to fall from the Heavens,
And your big sister is always looking out for you.
Little one,
Please don’t forget that for me.
My love for you is inevitable,
Always and forever shall you be my little angel.
I’ll love you,
When you blame yourself for hate and shame.
I’ll love you every sunrise and sunset,
Nightfall and Daybreak.
Every once in a while,
Let me shield you from what you can’t bear.
Help you fight the battles,
You can’t seem to win.
My Little Angel,
The one I can’t get over,
My little bro,
Always and forever,
Je t’aime.