
I am from Pakistan
where gunshots are fired when birth happens
like a war zone.
I am from the schoolyard.
(Scary, frightening
on a very hot day.)
I am from Lady Margaret Hall
where I fought for girl’s rights,
but they never listened.

I am from two brothers,
from Atal and Khushal.
I am from Ziauddin and Toor Yousafzai
and the land of gunfire BOOM.
From”your opinion is stupid!” and They’ll never listen!”
I am from Grandfather
who helped me with my opinion
and saw a lot of pride.

I am from the bus where I got shot,
“Are you ok”
“Stay with us”
and rushed to the hospital.
From the inspirational speeches
of never giving up, The
Noble peace award.

The school that I missed.
Recovering from the hit, that
changed my life.
Who shared the love with me and my thoughts
and told me not to give up
I am from the land I love
called Pakistan.