The Wake Up Rap

Morning sky so beautiful
I get out my bed and leave the cubical
Let me change this up
Poetry can kinda be corny
But for your information it’s really enjoying
I know i’m a 14 year old and I love poetry
Because it reminds me of music and being hippy
Now voices and visions everyone has one
So everyone standup and let your shines
everyone has a vision an idea
A voice so let us hear
So whats your vision
Lets hear your voice
How will you help the growing society of america
Everyone get up and shout merica
Everyone has a vision that someone else shares
I know this kinda is already sounding lame
But stand up and let your voice be heard
Let your voice be heard from around the world
اريد ان اكون طبيبا
ich möchte Sänger werden
Quiero ser politico
I want my voice to be heard!