This Generation

When you’re a kid you feel like the worst thing ever is not being able to color inside the lines
Until you realize there’s much more than choosing the right color for your picture
Life feels a lot more complicated
You feel like you’re on a constant roller coaster that’ll never end
You feel that no one will ever understand what you’re going through
Or no one ever takes the time to
And your parents tell you
“I know what your going through” or even the “your just a kid, it won’t matter later”
I get it and it might not but it matters now
And in this society and in this generation teenagers are going through
Is more than not being able to keep their grades up
Or hopping mom wont find out I snuck out last night
It’s not like that anymore
Girls get called out not only in school but with social media
Boys if you don’t play a sport or you aren’t athletic you’re weak
Or haven’t dated anyone yet you’re a nube
Dated someone you’re a ___
Get good grades your a nerd
Failing classes your dumb
Are sad youre depressed
I mean nowadays nothing is ever enough for people
Can’t do anything without being called out on it
Can’t tell no one anything because they’ll tell someone else
Not only does this generation sucks
But can you imagine what the next generation would look like
Im sorry:To the next generation