The changing of Seasons

You hang there contently listening to the wind
Not wanting to let go
Not wanting it to end
But life just goes on the stem starting to bend
You hold on to this moment
Not wanting to descend

Life is not fair
It has no merci
It will not spare
You hang on for dear life
But your time will dare
You fall from the tree a helpless little thing
Your world does not care

As you fall you wonder
What will become of me
You look up at your old home
The swaying oak tree

You hit the ground
A new world by far
Not a single sound
You sit and you sit the earth covering you so
Long years go by but your time comes bound

You are ready to grow
You reach up touching the light
Your time has come and now you know
You are part of nature and as a tree you will grow

You may fall in you journey
And life may scorn
But changes will happen
And you can morn
Or you can go up against change
And rise up adorn