
The hawk sat in his tree,
Inside of the ditch unliked by all,
A baby goat wondering saw the hawk,
Intrigued he walked into the ditch,
The hawk screeched,
The baby goat was filled with fear like a balloon filled with air,
The hawk flew over the goat,
He beckoned “You’re mine now!”
He picked up the goat with his sharp talons,
The goat wriggled struggling to break free,
The hawk flew higher and higher,
Drip-drip-drip the blood spilled from the goat staining the hawk’s talons,
the goat stuttered “Why?”
The hawk calmly stated “it’s what I do.”

The Ride

“Hi, are you Greg?”
“Yes, I’m Greg.”
“Wow, your very scaly Greg.”
“Why, yes I am.”
“And what a big car you have.”
“Yeah you could say that.”
The more I looked.
The more I examined him
The more I looked around
I realized I was
I was
In a car with GODZILLA.
“I uh, have to go Greg.”
The car came to a halt.
“I know thats why I’m your
Uber driver.”


Bread is the OOO the AAA
its cripy golden brown crust
the prefect glaze shield of butter

sprinkles of salt that are spread evenly among the top
the soft fluffy center like a cumulus cloud
and with each bite you take the warmth wraps
you up as if you were in a soft cozy blanket

and while you eat this perfect slice of bread
in your imaginary cozy blanket you think of
all you creative wonders swimming throughout
your courageous mind.

The Pencil Pouch Mess

What’s in my pencil pouch?
Two dried up markers
That I haven’t thrown away,
A black sharpie
That is now a faded blue,
And a small roll of tape
That I can’t find the beginning of.

A half used eraser
With drawings and holes,
That is as hard as a rock,
A pair of tiny scissors
The size of a toothpick.

Some little doodles
On scrap paper and sticky notes,
A whole bunch of pencils,
Missing their erasers and lead.

The Beautiful Branch

There was once a branch, the branch I walk past everyday.
I always notice how tight it holds on to the tree in every way.
But no matter how tight it grasps the tree,
It could jump to the ground any day like a kid scraping his knee.

The branch is beautiful, it looks like a flower on a sunny day.
It has dark smooth brown bark,
and every color leaf you could imagine.
I watch as it slowly dances in the wind.

One stormy day as I pass by the tree,
I stop, because the branch was staring at me.
Watching the branches sway side to side,
Until all of a sudden, BOOM! Lightning cried
And strikes the branch to suddenly drop.

I watch as the leafs slowly fall off and
the branch loses the color over time,
It looks like the sky on a gloomy day.
Now every morning I pass by the tree
I remember the beautiful branch,
and I will never forget the day it fell.

poem of the depth

they come from the depth
where no one has been
they say they are tenth
but that was a lie
we all know what they are
and we all know why
everyone who goes down there doesn’t survive
they will chop both your hands off
they will eat you alive
they are very very mean
but if you go down there
good luck to you
while they may be mean
sometimes they are forgiving


call the janitor squad
there’s a big mess in the 600 hall
you can hear them coming
from a mile away
and when you hear them
don’t be scared
the bats nor the TRASHcans will do harm
they will always know what you call next
because the TRASHtros cheat
they know it all
so just know
if there are loud bangs in your hallway
it’s the TRASHtros
the trashcan is where they belong

Mental Hospital – Narrative

8:00 am
They drugged me
Until i was fake smiling.
Then all of my thoughts
Just kept on piling.

10:00 am
I told them “I need help”
They didn’t listen.
All of my dark thoughts
Started to glisten .

12:00 pm
Food comes out on trays
Looks all fancy.
The chance of us getting sick
Is unchancy.

2:00 pm
Group therapy begins
A kid starts to act up.
Staff puts on their gloves
What they do next is messed up.

Time to go outside
Get some fresh air.
“Look, a squirrel!’
Seeing one is quite rare.

Time to take a shower
And swallow more meds
Time to snack
Before heading to bed

“Lights Out” they say
Time to start dreaming.
For 8 more days this schedule
Would be repeating.