Animal Love

This is a poem that is all about,
My favorite animal without a doubt!

Some are skinny, some are small,
Some are bulky, big and tall.

They don’t have wings, they don’t have fur,
But all very scaly, that’s for sure.

Some live on land, and some live in the sea
They swallow their prey whole, like a sip of tea!

Some can camouflage, and are hard to find,
Some of them slither, while others wind.

Some are friendly, some are not,
Some have rattles, and some have spots.

If you still haven’t guessed what they are,
Here‘s one last clue, that might get you far.

There are many species and are found all around,
Recognized easily with their special sound.

They go hiss, that’s the sound they make,
You guessed it right, it is a snake!