Good Morning

Like a butterfly’s wings,
my eyes flutter,
then open

I was ripped
from my subconscious fantasy
by none other
than the BEEEEP of my alarm

In a daze,
I get ready
I eat something I don’t taste,
for it is far too early
for my taste buds to be awake

I step outside
then check to make sure
my eyes aren’t closed
They aren’t,
but I thought they were
because of the

I savor
the walk to the bus stop
The whole world is asleep
except for me
it seems

I get there
just in time
and board

I lower my window
and my hair
dances in time to the wind
How can it be so awake
so early in the morning?

I listen to music
as we roll along
A playlist of life
the perfect mix of calm
and not

I see waterfall of stars,
cars with their headlights,
driving down the highway,
and I imagine the stories
of those inside

Yes, others board our bus,
but I am still alone
Alone, but not lonely
in my own little bubble
of serenity

the star
of the show,
the sun,

A little tired,
but still smiling
and happy
and beautiful
as always

up, up, up,
the world

When the journey is over,
we arrive at or destination,
and I am more awake
than I was

I am content,
for I feel I have experienced
a secret
that no one else has

I am ready to face the day