Sleeping Beneath the Stars

Heading to the camp
Headlights shining in the night
Road stretching onward

The road is ending
Trees loom like tall green giants
Mountains stretch upward

Tents slowly rise up
Underneath the black night sky
Animals move around

Waking up early
Watch the sunrise, red and gold
Over the mountains

Crackling and popping
A bright orange tornado

Breakfast is ready
Pancakes over the fire
Clean up the dishes

Heading up the trail
A path of rocks, dirt, and grass
Going up and down

Legs slowly aching
Reaching the end of the trail
Finally, we made it

Laughing and cheering
We are on top of the world
Slowly heading back

The sun starts to set
Settling down like a blanket
Stars begin to shine

Crackling and popping
A bright orange tornado

Dinner is ready
Hotdogs over the fire
Clean up the dishes

Sit and watch he starrs
Gleaming like silver diamonds
In a blue black field

Drifting off to sleep
Sleeping under the bright stars
Outside and happy

Departing the camp
Headlights shining in the night
Road stretching onward