Ugh everyone eats me WITH something.
They put me on sandwiches, crackers, and even pasta.
Sometimes they just melt me.
It’s crazy. Who wants soggy chips?
It’s like I’m not good enough.
Why doesn’t anyone just eat ME.
What’s so wrong with simple by itself Cheese.
There are so many cheeses,
Why can’t one of them be meant
Just to eat with nothing?
There’s Blue, Colbyjack, Monterey, Swiss, Brie, Mozzarella…
And we can’t forget Cheddar.
I miss the old days when I was milk and
Everyone would just drink me.
I did love those cookie crumbs though.
I am like a sauce,
No one wants just me.
They put me in a dish to serve people and
Nobody even tastes me. Ugh!