Over the Years

One wave
“Are women maybe human beings?”
The right to vote
Susan B. Anthony and Ida B. Wells
Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Seneca Falls
1920, 19th amendment
Two waves
The Feminine Mystique
Equal Pay Act
Jane Roe won her case in 1973
Credit cards and mortgages
The problem that has no name
Three waves
27 women in Congress
Riot Grrrl Manifesto
Punk rockers fighting against sexual harassment
Bikini Kill, Bratmobile, Breeders
Bragging, screaming
They want revolution
So do I
Four waves
Equity? Equality? Both
Gen Z knows what’s up
I dress how I want
10 Ways to Make Sure You’re Safe in an Über
Emma Watson, The Squad
Speak up, speak out