2020- A Year of Chaos and Lessons


A year where over 80 million people caught the coronavirus. Some survived. And some didn’t.
A year where over three million animals were killed due to the wildfires.
It was a year where people like Brennon Taylor, George Floyd, Michael J. Rivera, Vincent Harris and so many more were taken from this world by the police system.
It was a year when people spent more time worrying about the political issues of wearing a mask rather than just listening to the health officials and protecting themselves and others.
It was a year of protests and riots over issues that could not be solved by a simple statement.

The list could go on forever because 2020 was a year of chaos.

But, 2020 was also a lesson.

Through this year, we have learned the importance of being with family. Of value the time that we spend with others because who knows what can happen next.
This year has taught us to cherish the simple acts like giving a hug to someone without being forced to wear a mask.
This year has shown us the growth of technology in that we are able to video chat with our loved ones during difficult times.
This year has taught us to hold out hope, even when it seems like nothing can be better. On December 14, the first American citizen got the Covid-19 vaccine, giving us hope that soon life will get back to normal.

With everything that’s occurred this year, it’s important to reflect on the little good that happened along with the bad. Despite all the pain that this year brought, we should have hope that 2021 will be better. Some believe that we will go back to our daily motions of life and it will be like nothing ever happened. But it is important to take these lessons that 2020 has brought us and use them.

We pack up all the lessons that this past year has taught us, and we wait for the next event that life will throw at us. We say goodbye to 2020 and hello to 2021.