The Many Aspects of Amy

The Many Aspects of Amy

Gardner, School Board, Chiropractor, Mother,
The Many Aspects of Amy,
Amy Firth,
My great-great-grandmother,
My hero!

Poison Ivy,
In her own backyard,
To warn her grandkids of the three-leaf beast,
The Many Aspects of Amy!

On the school board,
Years ago,
A woman,
A school, her namesake, is still here from all those years ago!
The Many Aspects of Amy!

A chiropractor,
A good one, too.
Also, she met her husband there at chiropractor school,
Cool, cool, and cool
The Many Aspects of Amy!

Now, guess what else?
She played basketball as well,
A star athlete,
She played at school after the bell!
The Many Aspects of Amy!

Mother to my great-grandma Bailey!
Grandmother to my Grandpa John!
Great-grandmother to my Dad!
Great-great-grandmother to me!
The Many Aspects of Amy,
Amy Firth,
My Great-great-grandmother,
My hero!