There are fairies beneath the moss who
Come out from
Their homes to water their roof of green
When the sun is big and gold
Come out from
The closet
When the sun is big and gold,
My love
The closet:
It is safe and dark,
My love,
So stay if you want, if you need
It is safe and dark
Beneath the blood or the blue
So stay if you want. If you need
To, come back to me
Beneath the blood or the blue
The fairies hold each step
To come back to me
In the growing green carpets
The fairies hold each step,
Each burden you leave
In the growing green carpets
Painted over crumbling earth
Each burden you leave
Becomes sunlight
Painted over crumbling earth
You hide within
Becomes sunlight,
Sweet honey dripping from your teeth while
You hide within
The dusty dawn