To Write Or Not To Write

To write or not to write tis the questioning of reality
the faults of the universe
plains of existence
home of words only known to gibberish
tis our mood, our feelings
tis our insides, our free time
What do we do with this free time
Well I personally use it on poetry for I am a poet as well as a writer
poetry is our rhythm, writing is the glue that holds us together
Poetry breaks that bond, freeing our minds
it bursts through like a bull to a wall
That’s why we write
The feeling of being free feels like water in a flowing stream
We cherish these moments to write and be free even though we have an abundance of them
They still are what we love and how we want to spend time on
Writing, even though this is a school class, is freer than learning
Poetry is the medicine to my illness, the solution to my problems
Poetry opens my mind
it makes me relaxed and relieved Once you find what you love, follow that passion
For me, it’s writing and poetry,
for you, it could be engineering being a nurse or vet or being part of a non-profit
As long as you’re happy, do that
Don’t mind if you’re made fun of For those people only envy your braveness and your courage to follow your dreams
All writers/poets love what we do “tis the way we write ”