Have you ever heard of spoken word?
I hadn’t.
The courage to step up, give a speech,
Make a declaration, preach?
I had.
That’s all it is, they said,
But now I see it’s more than that.
The ability to speak truly about your life,
Your own words,
In your own mouth.
It doesn’t have to be perfect, or free-flowing,
The words just need to come to you,
Not written on a sheet of paper by somebody else.
But even when we CAN do this step,
Does it matter if we don’t listen?
When they say open your eyes,
Do we do that?
What is True Courage?
It’s not just a man going to war because he was told to,
It’s starting something that you’ve already lost at,
Even if you know you’re not going to win.
Those with True Courage have the ability to be unstoppable,
And those who speak their psalms have unstoppable power.
I used to live in this world,
Blinded by lies told to me by everyone else.
But now I stay awake,
I heard some words once, and now…
Have you ever heard of spoken word?
I hadn’t…