Blue and Gray

Everything in this neighborhood has an assigned color
Grass is green
Thanks to the automated sprinkler system hidden in the
Dark, brown, soil
Flowers are pink
Roads are black
And houses
Are blue and gray

The sharp angles on each second story roof hurt my eyes and
I look away, instead staring at
Identical street signs
Identical sidewalks
Identical trimmed bushes
In front of houses
Houses painted
Blue and gray

Every window is covered in heavy duty window shades
To block out
Blue skies
And anything else that happens to pass by
White shades on empty windows
Empty windows on walls
Walls, painted
Blue and gray

In some neighborhoods, the houses are eclectic
Like the buttons you gathered from
Under the couch cushions
Tucked between books on the book shelf
Fallen off shirts that are too small
But here
All the buttons are from the same factory
Sewn in neat rows
The same size
And color
Blue and gray

It is easy
To get lost here
In this maze of identical streets
The same house
The same yard
Over and over again
Blue and gray

Our world is fading
We are fading into the carpet
That covers old hotel rooms
The random dots on the carpet describe our whole universe
Everything we have ever known
Will be walked over
The carpet
Is the color of soldiers uniforms
The carpet
Is the color of the houses
The carpet
Is blue and gray

Every house
On this block
Is blue
And gray