
I look…
The clouds are fluffy bundles of cotton candy
Swans float on the diamond blue waters
A serene setting, calm and peaceful.
The galloping winds, dancing forests, singing birds; tweeting, chirping, humming, whistling,
The water waltzes and swings, a dance it has practiced since the beginning of time.
The view is remarkable, yet leaves the sightseer speechless.
An inconsequential cabin leans to the shores edge.
All alone, yet surrounded with joy.
The colors swirl around, vermillion red, tangerine orange, cerulean blue.
The garden covers most of the lovely land around the pleasant refuge.
The property stretches for miles, past the bubbling brook, and the exuberant wood.
I could stay; and live in this tranquil place forever, undisturbed .
But I must go, for it is only a painting.
Only a masterpiece,
Only a dream.