Younger self
The date is October 5th,
It’s my 15th birthday, I feel as large as life,
I wake up to the sweet smell of sizzling blueberry pancakes and maple syrup,
my favorite.
I love getting older.
I glance in the mirror and get a sense of reality
I feel taller, bigger, my baby face has disappeared,
I finally look more womanly,
I don’t even feel older, should I?
My parents give me a quick hug and kiss before they head to work, and I head for the bus.
I showed up to school,
Everyone remembered.
My mom picks me up early from school and brings me to my favorite restaurant.
I lay in bed thinking about how this is only the beginning,
What does the future intel?
Where will I be in 30 years?
What will I do?
Where will I go?
These concerns consume my mind until
my eyes are closed
and I am asleep.
Oh to know what the future beholds….
Older self
Its October 5th It’s my 50th birthday, ,
Oh god am I really half a century old today..
I feel like i’ve lived 1000 years,
Today I woke up to last night’s chinese food on the kitchen top, and a million dishes.
I hate getting older.
Getting ready for the day I look into my makeup mirror and glance at every imperfection
Long straight lines run through my forehead,
My wrinkles are forming ,
My back seems hunch and I spot each gray slowly coming in,
I still feel like a child, when does this feeling change,
My parents give me a call and sent me a gift.
I showed up to work,
no one remembered.
I come home and get ready for a night
out with my friends.
I close my eyes and wish I could just be 15 again.
No kids,
no job,
no worries.
Oh to be 15 again.