My first
Broken bone
Was when we got
our brand new trampoline.
I was jumping by myself
when my brother decided to join.
We jumped together,
having the time of our lives.
Not knowing he would bounce
too high and fly me
into the air.
I landed on the side
of my leg and *crack*!
I cried.
My eyes hurt so bad
they leaked with sadness,
pouring out the pain and sorrow.
My stomach throbbed
from the agonizing torment
I was putting on myself.
My parents didn’t know
what to do.
It was the most
massive, bulky, gross, purple lump
ever seen on the face of the earth.
They took me to the ER.
My leg was tingling.
Am I going to be ok?
Will the pain ever go away,
I thought to myself.
I went home and forced myself to sleep
into the everlasting dark hole of doom.