
My face goes numb,
My stomach dropping like a
Neverending rollercoaster,
waiting to reach its end.

Had it already been 13 years?

You don’t notice how
much more time you
wish you had with the pet
you’ve loved,
till they’re actually gone.
Like, gone gone.

The room was silent,
too silent.
I had been prepared,
But not prepared at the same time.
Kinda like when you didn’t
study for a test,
But your still shocked you failed.

My moms eyes glossy and red.
Her nose pink and shiny as if it was December already.
But it wasn’t.
It was May 11th.
STARR testing had just finished.

I come home and
see my parents in the kitchen,
still trying to comprehend how
they were gonna tell me the news.

“She lived a good life.”
“We are all going to miss her.”
“Just think of the happy memories.”

No no no no no. Not now.

Still frozen like a statue,
I accepted the fact,
Shes gone.