Growing up

Growing up is a part of life

You enjoy it not give it up

You grow up every day

Your hair gets longer

You grow taller

You become stronger

You fight better

Don’t think your like

The others your not

Don’t be like others

Unique is a word for a

For a reason

More Than A Sad Day

Today is a sad day,
Kwade couldn’t slay the day,
Because what happened changed her way.

Today she won’t see her dog,
Because today was the last day.
But today was the day-
When her mom also passed away.

A normal day she supposed,
Instead, a car accident caused two lives,
Precious and wise.

So then she cried and cried,
Until she died inside-
Alone with no one left,
Sadly away.

The man on the moon

The man on the moon doesn’t come down

He’s frozen in time no way to get out

His tears froze him in

No way to fly out

He just wants to break free

But his sadness is unique

He wants to go home but to what

His family is not here for him anymore

He needs sadness not happiness

He’s stuck in a nightmare that you can’t get out of

He’s stuck no way to get out

He knows he won’t love anymore

Because he’s the man on the moon who nobody

Will remember not even him

Growing up

Growing up is a part of life

You enjoy it not give it up

You grow up every day

Your hair gets longer

You grow taller

You become stronger

You fight better

Don’t think your like

The others your not

Don’t be like others

Unique is a word for a

For a reason

What Happens At The Dog Park

I see my dog sticking his head out the window with his tongue sticking out
I see dogs chasing each other, one the chasie and one the chaser
I see trees
smooth pointy rocks
soft wet grass comforting your footsteps
I see a ball being thrown by its owner for the dog to run after like its life depends on it

I hear dogs barking, panting, and splashing around in the water
I hear a dogs muddy footprints running by
I hear grownups talking about how cute and funny their dog looks

I feel the soft but wet coat of my dog brushing against me
I feel dogs tails wagging so hard that they hurt when they hit you
I feel the wet kisses of slobbery love

I smell the somewhat stinky water of the creek
I smell my wet, stinky, tired, happy, dog going home from the dog park

Through My Kitchen Window

Out my kitchen window,
I see leaves clinging onto a branch
And the branch watching the leaves fall
And the fall grass peeking to the surface
For no one to see.
But I see
Out my kitchen window,
My exhale escaping as fog
And the exhale of the sky escaping as snow
And the snow piling at my very feet.
For no one to take another look.
But I look
Out my kitchen window,
As nature leaves presents
And the presence of a natural perfume lingering in the air
And the air turning into buds and leaves
And birds and bees
And the birds chirp-chirping
As they put on a show
For no one to watch.
But I watch
Out my kitchen window,
As the wind takes a different feel
And the feel of a new phase
And the sweat plastered onto my face
And my face as full of joy as my feet
And my feet run,
And I fall,
On the grass
That is no longer fall grass,
But soon will be,
And all this,
For no one to take in
Except for me
Who takes it all
Through my kitchen window.