
On the hard floor,
The gymnast takes her time,
Wipes her sweaty hands,
Breathes, ready to shine,
Steps onto the springy surface,
Shaking like a wet dog,
Everyone knows she’s nervous,
Can she pull it off?
The music starts,
She blows our hearts,
And in the end,
She gets a ten.

The Ruin

The Ruin,
Stands stumbling,
Calling out names of Things Lost,
Of life,
All gone.
Lost to sands of time,
The Ruin all that remains,
With nothing except the ghost,
The ghost of a time better,
Had children ever walked his streets?
Held his hand?
Danced or played?
The children that had been,
Forgotten to everything, everyone,
Except he.
He who is cursed to remember,
Though everyone else,
Free to forget.
He sighs,
And settles into the muck,
Awaiting his day,
His time,
To be remembered once more.

early wake

Hanging from a peach tree
a bat wakes up, stretching out his small pink tongue
opening his eyes
watching the dusk sun
slowly slide
beneath the clouds, to be dreamt
for another night
Stretching out his giant wings
while others slowly crawl out of their dreamy stupor.

A Cloud to snow to raindrop

A cloud comes from over the mountain range, it has come from days of traveling and has finally come to its destination
It starts to cry happy tears of snow as it slowly disappears into the air ,the snowflakes slowly come down like Fall leaves, left right left right again and again until they reach the ground.
They stay for many hours but then one snowflake hears the screams of their friends and family. It starts to melt, it fears for its life, it starts to sweat, but suddenly it starts to rise from the ground meeting with its family, once more forming a cloud that will make the same journey as the first one. Luckily the snowflake survived and the cycle begins once again.