
It’s been a while now
that I’ve known you,
the bright blue dragon with fierce wing-beats
the sun after rain, the pounding of feet

And before you became a dragon
you were the crumpled yellow flower
with petals that stood against storms
and turned up to the warm glow of the sun,
the chocolate wrapped carefully in
colored foil
You were the sweet sound of strings
a quiet harmony that sang in the back of my mind,
a brisk wind that rippled through trees, rustling the
leaves in the damp grass that clung to our skin

As I watched, you grew into the
bright feathered bird with greens and blues
of varying hues,
attracting the eyes of everyone you pass

And when you morphed into a dragon,
you brought your colors along,
and you shone in the sunlight,
thick armored scales that hide
the storms that strike the yellow flower

You were the fingers curled into a
fake microphone, an inquiring reporter who
explored the unknown
but they faded away as you grew and
you changed into the blue dragon the world sees today

You are the glinting of glasses
that frame soft brown eyes
that hide the lightning that has struck you
behind a mischievous gleam in the light