
Where to start, his smile was as bright as the sun.
His hugs were so soft and gentle, felt like I was
Hugging a pillow. I never wanted to let go.

Everyone loved him, but they never
laughed at his horrid jokes.

He was an extraordinary person.
filled with Ideas and happiness.

Then evil took him over!!

Cancer flooded through his veins and drained him of all
Happiness. Pale like a vampire, too weak to even talk. And
Then evil won.

His death stung me like a thousand daggers.
The only thing I could taste was my salty tears.

I woke up in all black.

Driving to the cemetery, choking on my tears
All I could see was black. The casket was covered with images.
A purple ribbon on top.

My Grandpa

The most amazing person in the world taken by evil
And I didn’t even get to say goodbye.