How it Used to Be

My house used to be messy and undecided, but now it’s clean and tidy

My dog used to be lively and playful, but now he sleeps on the floor waking to the smell of food

A room only to be used for guests now has all my precious belongings inside it

My life used to be slow and relaxed, but now I have to work on projects and homework

My TV was watched for me and my sister’s entertainment, but now it’s only used for watching on special occasions

My bed used to be under my sister’s bed, but now it fits snugly next to a wall

Water used to come out of thermoses, but now comes out of a filtered tap

My teeth used to have nothing to worry about, but now I wear an expander

My toys used to be used every day, but now I only use them on special occasions

Sleeping used to happen at 8:00 pm, but now it happens at 9:00-9:30 pm

Computer time used to happen never, but now I use one every day