In a Perfect World, I Would’ve Seen You

It feels like we’re going backwards. I don’t know whether
It was possible for us to get back on track.
I’ve spent so much time thinking about us, together.

My current state was never meant to last forever.
My hair knotted and strayed, heart pounding, voice beginning to crack.
Compared to you, I was never as clever.

But no matter your praises, I know you see me as an error.
A stray 0 in a binary, a malformed spirit that should be thrown back
Into the great beyond, wherever and ever.

For a second I thought you would reach for me, cut the tether.
I would’ve welcomed it, given you the go ahead myself. It’s retribution, payback;
I always hated disappointing you. You would, you would reach for me.

Instead you stand there, still as stone. You tell me never.
“We’re one and the same. Though you I do not lack.”
“I could never hate you. You are a part of me, forever.”

I can’t rationalize it. You and I are the same flesh and blood, but I am lesser.
How is it that you can see and stack
Our differences and still say that you cherish and pleasure
The thing that you hate most, your mark of falsehood altogether?