Silent Smoke

Silent Smoke

By. Sarah Yule

The street lights dimly light up the alley.
The music from in the venue slowly begins to die down,
The next band will be going on soon.

She stumbles her way outside to the ally, admiring the light
sprinkling hit the ground, and the dim lights reflected off it.
A sign reflects brightly catching her attention.
“No Smoking”
She doesnt pay it much mind.

After a deep sigh she leans her head against the
cold brick wall.
She flicks the top off and takes out a cigarette, as she goes
to light it her lighter begins to falter but in the end it gives in.

She takes a few inhales letting the warmth fill her throat and lungs.
Flicking off ash here and there.
She feels slight burn sensations as the ashes hit the spaces between
her fishnets.
She minds her own and enjoys the quiet night sky.

A door swings open, which startles her.
She drops her cigarette.
A man stumbles out of the door and down the small concrete stairs.
He reeks of alcohol, the scent following him as he proceeds.

Stumbling to the alley he notices her,
he notices her small posture.
Intrigued he approaches her, which startles her more.
The once peaceful night with the dim lighting and sprinkling rain,
becomes an uncomfortable atmosphere.

She begins to walk away from the man, but he
goes for her wrist and takes hold.
He’s a big guy, the alcohol doesn’t help.

She stays quiet if she screams it’ll anger him.
Wishing to anything she could think of for this to end soon.
The ground was cold, she shivers as the sprinkle turns to rain.
She reaches for her small black dress, which is now soaked and
covered in gravel.

She covers herself and leaves the show, not wanting to stay
and see him again in the crowd as the next band begins.
Her fishnets hang on the rigid street pole, nails sticking out
every which way.
They’re soaked and torn.