Swords of ___

I’m juggling swords of doom.

Swords of doom implies that it’s more than just swords
which is already a lot to juggle in itself
but somehow it’s worse so instead
I’m juggling swords of doom.
Doom is defined as death and destruction
but maybe that’s not really the right way to describe it
because when you juggle “doom” as an idea,
well, symbolically, that implies you are doomed while juggling
but the doom only occurs when you slip
and drop the swords,
so in that case
I’m juggling swords of life.
The problem with this is juggling swords of life implies
that the swords are what is keeping me from death,
“doom”, and yet they are causing me the inevitable “doom” in the first place.
But maybe from the way “life” makes me feel like I’m juggling swords of “doom”,

I’m just juggling swords of everything.