The creature

I love this creature
that lives in my house
Not as silent as a mouse
He’s as vocal as a lion!
I have to make sure he doesn’t run out to the dandelions
His whiskers flow in the ever so calm breeze
And to my dogs he likes to tease
He acts like my dogs
My bed, he hogs
Can you guess what it is?
His puffed hair is like one big frizz!
His rough pink tounge is all I need on a bad day
With his toys he will forever play
He doesn’t know hate he only knows love
He shall only drink from the sink
“Why do I even give him a bowl?” I think.
He comforts when cold
His purrs never get old
Yes! You guessed it!
This creature is my cat
His name is Romeo and that is all I have to say about that!