The Ocean May Seem Beautiful

The ocean may seem beautiful:
Clear turquoise waters that mirror the sky,
small stones that reflect like glass,
white sand that clings onto you with microscopic hands.
Small little waves that move up and down your legs,
pink seashells with a perfectly copied groove.
Elusive pearls that glisten and shine.
The ocean may seem beautiful,
but it is full of terrors.
Dark murky waters that are tainted with sand.
Menacing jagged rocks that try to block out the incoming ocean.
Brown clumpy sand that tries to drag you down into the Earth.
Sluggish waves that slowly arc up and devour any ships underneath.
Ravaging tsunamis that steal anything they see.
A tiny little light in the mist of the ocean, is there hope?
No, it’s a trap set by an angler fish.
Crumpled edges of a cliff that looms right over the edge.
A giant squid that’s ready to clamp down on you.
Who knows what’s down there, ready to drag you down into the abyss.
The ocean is like a coin with two sides.
The question is:
which one do you see?